Things that you can do on your rest day
If you are someone who loves to train at least five days a week and the prospect of a rest day makes you anxious, there are some activities that can be incorporated in your rest day, giving you the thrill and satisfaction of a workout, without over exerting your...
4 Killer Tips to Burn off the Summer BBQ Fat
Everyone loves the bbq season. It’s fun to gather with friends and family every few weekends for lavish summer spreads. Nothing beats feasting on grilled meats, roasts, freshly buttered bread and an array of rich desserts, all washed won by glasses of alcoholic...
Intro to a Ketogenic Diet and Exercising on Keto
Burn Fat, Not Carbs. Learn About the Ketogenic Diet to Lose Weight Forest City Fitness Explains How Burning fat is a constant battle. However, it is important to remember that to burn fat effectively, you need reduce calories gradually. If you cut down on calories...