Why do we need to group muscles together for an effective workout? Exercising muscle groups that would naturally work together creates a simple workout session that doesn’t strain your muscles from head to toe. Working out particular muscle groups as one through compound movements will also result in an overall increase in muscle development. Compound movements work to target multiple muscle groups at a time. So what are these grouping and which exercises will give me the most efficient workout? That’s what we’re here to find out.
Group One: The Push
The first collection of muscles that should be exercised in a single session at least once a week include the chest, shoulders and triceps. These three muscle groups collaborate in pushing resistance away from the body. Exercises that recreate that pushing movement, like push-ups, various bench press techniques, face pulls and triceps extensions, will help to simulate the movement and stimulate the muscle group.
Group Two: The Pull
The next gathering of muscles that should be worked during the same fitness session is the back and biceps. As the first group focused primarily on push resistance, this grouping focuses on pull resistance throughout your body. The best exercises to do if you’re looking to develop this muscle group more are any kind of weighted arm curls, chin-ups, barbell deadlift and T-bar rows. Again, these will simulate the pulling action needed to effectively grow your muscles in these areas.
Group Three: Both
Lastly, we have the lower body muscle group, which includes the hamstrings, quads, calves and glutes. This grouping is different, in that it performs both pulling and pushing resistance movements. Specifically, your hamstrings are designed to pull you or your weights, while the rest of your leg muscles will push that resistance away from your body. To make the most of your leg routine, it’s best to do a combination of various squats, lunges, weighted deadlifts and calf raises. Together, these compound movements will allow you to build muscle and strength throughout your entire lower body over time.
To prevent overworking your body and risking injury, only work each muscle group once a week if you’re just starting out. Between each workout session, take a rest day to allow your muscles to recover, even if you’ll be focusing on a different group later on. For examples, legs on Monday, rest on Tuesday, back and biceps Wednesday, rest on Thursday and so on. It’s best to go slow and steady, otherwise, you can cause serious damage to your body in the long haul.
At Forest City Fitness, our staff is committed to providing a positive and encouraging atmosphere that is sure to help you achieve your fitness goals. Our 24 hour London, Ontario gym, open daily including holidays, makes fitting a workout around your busy schedule a breeze. With several fitness classes available, youth fitness programs and online personal trainers ready to help you get in better shape, it’s easy to join! Justcall us, go online at https://joinfcf.com/ or visit Forest City Fitness to sign up today. Walk-ins are always welcome here.